Get Assistance
菠菜网lol正规平台关怀会在你最需要的时候提供帮助. We provide resources 为面临意外经济危机的上海外国语大学学生提供服务. If you’re having 在支付食物、住房或其他账单方面遇到困难,请到我们这里寻求帮助.
现在请求协助,我们将与您联系,讨论下一步, eligibility, and possible campus and community resources.
Food Assistance
你是否发现自己在上菠菜网lol正规平台的时候吃不起饭? You are not alone. 最近的学生事务处调查发现,大约有一半的上海大学学生 students are sometimes skipping meals due to cost.
好消息是,菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares有两个很棒的项目可以提供帮助:
这些项目可以帮助你获得你需要的食物,专注于你的教育. Additionally, there are many other food resources available on campus and in the surrounding community.
Housing Assistance
作为一名学生,如果你缺乏稳定、有规律的生活,你可能会意外地发现自己无家可归 and adequate housing. 如果你住在收容所、公园、汽车旅馆,你可能无家可归 或者汽车,或者暂时和别人一起睡沙发,因为你无处可去 to go.
如果你生活在上述任何一种情况下,因为你正在逃离一个虐待你的父母 或监护人,你可能会被认为是无家可归者,即使他们会提供支持和 a place to live. 或者你可能会有一个意想不到的驱逐,火灾或其他灾难 you are living.
一名上海州立大学的学生害怕被驱逐,因为她的学位即将结束. A crucial 在她的经济援助程序中的一个步骤意味着她的贷款可能会延迟发放. 在与菠菜网lol正规平台关怀中心联系并与案例经理会面后, 她能够与财政援助办公室协调. Her aid was released in 她是时候交房租,安全地住在她的公寓里了. The student 她成功地完成了她的学期,并有望完成她的学士学位 according to her education and career plans.
Housing insecurity is a real issue in Silicon Valley. Please contact 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares if you are in an emergency situation!
Medical Assistance
因为缺乏资源或保险而错过紧急医疗或牙科预约 can lead to an unhealthy situation. Unexpected medical bills can seriously impact a student's monthly budget.
一个有牙科工作的新研究生发现他欠牙医的钱更多 因为关于他的牙科保险范围的误解. Worried about 有了足够的钱支付房租和食物,他去见了上海州立大学关爱中心的个案经理. Together 他们确保他利用了每一个可用的经济援助机会. 他们还确定了学生可以使用的额外食物资源,以及当地的 非营利组织,学生可以联系帮助回应他的剩余债务.
Contact 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares 找出哪些资源可以帮助你支付医疗费用或保险. We want to help you stay healthy!
Emergency/Disaster Assistance
学生们与我们分享他们可能是盗窃或其他犯罪行为受害者的情况 入室盗窃,或自然灾害,如火灾或洪水,有负面影响 their ability to succeed on campus.
在2017年秋季加州野火之后,许多斯巴达人的家人 居住在受灾地区的人向上海大学关怀中心寻求帮助. The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares 案例管理员能够将一名学生与斯巴达商店和校园书店联系起来 为在火灾中丢失的课本寻找替代品. The same and other students 是否能够获得紧急援助资金以更换衣服和其他物品 这对参加和完成本学期的课程作业至关重要.
If you are facing any kind of emergency situation, contact 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares to find support and resources.
Getting Down to Basics: Opening the doors to assistance
对自己支付住房、食物或其他基本需求的能力感到不知所措? 你想要一个安全的空间来探索这些生活挑战吗? Join us to openly dialogue, 确定其他解决方案,减少对获取资源的歧视.
Clothing Assistance
Our campus has two main options for clothing asssitance. One for everyday wear & for career focused clothing.
The Clothes Closet, 由可持续发展办公室运营,旨在帮助缓解两个主要的 问题:每年被丢弃的衣服、学生和教师都会产生大量的垃圾 and staff who are unable to meet their basic needs. Visit thier website to make an appointment. Let us know if you are unable to find an appointment and have a more immediate need.
The Career Closet, 由就业中心运营,专注于为学生提供免费的职业培训
服装和每学年最多一套完整的专业服装. This can assist
with interviews, job fairs, etc. Visit thier website to make an appointment.
Parenting Students Assistance
The 加州妇女、婴儿和儿童特别补充营养计划 (WIC)促进低收入孕妇、产后和哺乳者的健康, 婴儿和5岁以下因提供营养而面临营养风险的儿童 补充饮食的食品,包括促进母乳喂养在内的健康饮食信息 and support, and referrals to health care. You may qualify if you receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) or CalFresh (SNAP) benefits. WIC welcomes military families, migrant 有符合条件子女的家庭、父亲、养父母和法定监护人. Participating WIC计划不会影响目前在美国的任何人的移民身份 U.S. Use the WIC eligibility assessment tool to see if you qualify. Set up an appointment at a WIC local agency near you. Visit 该网站为WIC家庭寻找您附近的WIC当地代理网站.
多个社区机构表示,他们在尿布方面得到了帮助 through their programs. 知道我们的学生生活在许多社区,这是最好的 to search for diaper assistance by your location.
Personal Hygiene Products
斯巴达食品储藏室为其用户提供经期卫生用品. See the pantry website for eligibility.
有关校园免费卫生用品的一般地点,请浏览 Gender Equity Center Sanitary Products page.
Tax Credits
California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)
If you work and have low income, you may qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). This credit gives you a refund or reduces your tax owed. Filing your state tax return is required to claim this credit.
Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)
Do you have a child under the age of 6? If you qualify for CalEITC (see above) and 如果您有6岁以下的孩子,您是否也有资格获得可退还的税收抵免 of up to $1000 through the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)! 如果你符合条件,你可能会看到减税或更多的退款. Use this calculator 看看你是否符合条件,并估计你的信用额度. Filing your state tax return is required to claim this credit.