Two students talking in front of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 1968 Olympics Statue.


San Jose State is unique in its storied and long history of student civil rights activism, service to first-generation student populations, racial and ethnic diversity, and location in the vibrant cultural communities and robust economy of the 硅谷 加州. 的 多元化、公平和包容办公室 [ODEI] is dedicated to the standards of inclusive excellence, which view San Jose State's mission of academic excellence as inseparable from our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. 的 ODEI works to create a campus community that is free from discrimination and free from systemic and cultural barriers to academic and professional success for all of 它的学生、教师、职员和管理人员.  ODEI设想了一个校园 its members engage in robust intergroup dialogue, and collaboration across groups, 部门和竖井.

Students Peacefully protesting at 菠菜网lol正规平台 Smith and Carlos Olympic Statue
刘吊杆/ BY-NC-SA.0


Though we are proud to be 一个 of the most diverse campus communities in the nation, action is needed more than ever to address systemic racism at 圣何塞州立大学. 我们正在采取行动. 的 President’s Leadership team on Equity and Justice is facilitating and coordinating the university’s initiatives on racial equity and 正义. This leadership team is charged with understanding the initiatives being generated on campus and the tracking of the follow-through in achieving the goals 在这些倡议中. Learn about 菠菜网lol正规平台’s immediate steps—as well as intermediate and long-term plans—to create permanent organizational change with regard to systemic 校园里的种族主义.



Anti-immigrant sentiment, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and other forms of bias have 一直与我们同在. 的 current pandemic has seen an exp一个ntial rise in anti-Asian 歧视和轻微的微侵犯. 我们认识到可怕的不平等 in higher morbidity and infection rates for Black/African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinx peoples from COVID-19 across the country. 这些集体现实 a great impact on the climate, organizational identity, and retention of employees. Crafted within the complex cultural and political contexts of the Bay Area, this webinar will (1) introduce historical and social psychological frameworks for organizational leaders and team members to understand the dynamics of COVID-19 xenophobia and bias, and (2) offer research-informed interventions and strategies to address anti-Asian bias incidents when they occur in the context of crisis. 目标参与者跨度 from team members to people who hold positions of leadership in their organizations.


a group of students laughing with eachother in the quad.


Through its leadership and work, the ODEI encourages civic and communal responsibility for diversity, equity and inclusion amongst 它的学生、教师、职员和管理人员. 的 ODEI seeks to build organizational capacity to support and grow meaningful and collaborative working relations to provide opportunities for all members of our campus community to further their education and development as lifelong learners within their 工作或学习的场所. 

a circle of paper people of different colors holding hands with 一个 unattached paper person on the outside of the circle.


Experienced or witnessed discrimination, harassment, or retaliation? 使用此机密 form.



Campus 委员会 on 多样性, Equity, and Inclusion

委员会成员名单已公布!  Learn more about the Camus 委员会 on 多样性, Equity and Inclusion - strucutre, mission and members. 




If you have experienced sex/gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, sexual misconduct, stalking, or you have witnessed such behavior, please 联系第九条办公室 

Three people deep in dialogue, 一个 geturing with his hand.
 摄影:Nanzi Muro


InterGroup Dialogues for Students, 教师, and 工作人员 coming soon.

InterGroup Dialogue [IGD] is a research-based bias reduction practice to promote social 正义.

Muwekma Ohl一个土地确认

Muwekma Ohl一个 菠菜网lol正规平台地区土地确认

的 圣何塞州立大学 community recognizes that the present-day Muwekma Ohl一个 部落.  访问 this page for the Muwekma Ohl一个 菠菜网lol正规平台地区土地确认, history, 资源及连结.

Dr. 王嘉玲(刘嘉玲)促进教师培训.


ODEI provides a variety of techinical assistance, consultation, resources and training, 以及校园里的其他办公室. 了解更多关于我们的社会正义教育 work and partnerships by visiting ODEI's 教育 page.